Template tree


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Template variables
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Check out CS-Cart Marketplace

by Admin Admin

CS-Cart is feature-packed out of the box. But if you’re looking for something more for your project, we have CS-Cart Marketplace — the official store with add-ons and themes for CS-Cart.

Make your CS-Cart store more powerful, beautiful, functional, and user-friendly.

CS-Cart Marketplace can help you:

  • extend the functionality of your site;
  • create a unique look and feel for it;
  • get extra tools for promoting the site, and more;
  • save your time for what’s really important.

Filter add-ons by their developer and field of use; choose them by rating, reviews, and compatibility with your CS-Cart version. If you have questions on some add-on or theme, contact its developer right from the product page.

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string(289) "CS-Cart is feature-packed out of the box But if you’re looking for something more for your project we have CS-Cart Marketplace — the official store with add-ons and themes for CS-Cart GO TO MARKETPLACEMake your CS-Cart store more powerful beautiful functional and user-friendly CS-Cart"
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          string(7) "#FAFAFA"
          string(5) "color"
          string(15) "Tabs background"
          string(0) ""
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#B8B8B8"
          string(5) "color"
          string(20) "Options border color"
          string(0) ""
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#989898"
          string(5) "color"
          string(18) ""Add image" button"
          string(58) "The color of the "plus" button for adding a product image."
      array(3) {
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#D6D6D6"
          string(5) "color"
          string(12) "Border color"
          string(28) "Border color for menu items."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#D3D3D3"
          string(5) "color"
          string(16) "Menu icons color"
          string(17) "Menu icons color."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#424040"
          string(5) "color"
          string(15) "Menu text color"
          string(16) "Menu text color."
      array(8) {
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#7DCFB6"
          string(5) "color"
          string(13) "Success color"
          string(72) "The background color of a pop-up notification about a successful action."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#FCEADE"
          string(5) "color"
          string(10) "Info color"
          string(63) "The background color of a pop-up notification with information."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#D9534F"
          string(5) "color"
          string(11) "Error color"
          string(61) "The background color of a pop-up notification about an error."
        array(4) {
          string(6) "number"
          string(13) "Border radius"
          string(62) "Determines how rounded the corners of product borders will be."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#EAA944"
          string(5) "color"
          string(14) "Discount badge"
          string(68) "The background color of a badge with the amount of product discount."
        array(4) {
          string(4) "#FFF"
          string(5) "color"
          string(14) "Product border"
          string(60) "The color of a thin border around products on product lists."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#26323e"
          string(5) "color"
          string(24) "Push notifications color"
          string(28) "Color of push notifications."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#0085FE"
          string(5) "color"
          string(20) "Image slider bullets"
          string(40) "The color of bullets in image galleries."
    array(1) {
      string(3) "1em"
  array(5) {
    array(2) {
      string(0) ""
      string(0) ""
    array(8) {
      string(7) "CS-Cart"
      string(0) ""
      string(14) "dev@ecarter.co"
      string(32) "394f371d2266afd3a0fdeef915be66c6"
      string(40) "https://satish.ecarter.co/dec_setup_001/"
      string(48) "https://satish.ecarter.co/dec_setup_001/api/4.0/"
      string(3) "MVE"
    array(6) {
      string(0) ""
      string(0) ""
      string(0) ""
      string(0) ""
      string(0) ""
      string(0) ""
    array(4) {
      string(19) "merchant.com.cscart"
      string(17) "CSCartmultivendor"
      array(0) {
    array(3) {
      string(0) ""
      array(0) {
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    string(0) ""
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CS-Cart is feature-packed out of the box. But if you’re looking for something more for your project, we have CS-Cart Marketplace — the official store with add-ons and themes for CS-Cart.

Make your CS-Cart store more powerful, beautiful, functional, and user-friendly.

CS-Cart Marketplace can help you:

  • extend the functionality of your site;
  • create a unique look and feel for it;
  • get extra tools for promoting the site, and more;
  • save your time for what’s really important.

Filter add-ons by their developer and field of use; choose them by rating, reviews, and compatibility with your CS-Cart version. If you have questions on some add-on or theme, contact its developer right from the product page.

" ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_description"]=> string(289) "CS-Cart is feature-packed out of the box But if you’re looking for something more for your project we have CS-Cart Marketplace — the official store with add-ons and themes for CS-Cart GO TO MARKETPLACEMake your CS-Cart store more powerful beautiful functional and user-friendly CS-Cart" ["page_title"]=> string(0) "" ["link"]=> string(0) "" ["seo_name"]=> string(29) "check-out-cs-cart-marketplace" ["seo_path"]=> string(1) "7" ["main_pair"]=> array(7) { ["pair_id"]=> string(3) "953" ["image_id"]=> string(4) "1074" ["detailed_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["position"]=> string(1) "0" ["object_id"]=> string(1) "8" ["object_type"]=> string(4) "blog" ["icon"]=> array(9) { ["image_path"]=> string(59) "https://satish.ecarter.co/dec_setup_001/images/blog/1/1.png" ["alt"]=> NULL ["image_x"]=> string(3) "894" ["image_y"]=> string(3) "305" ["http_image_path"]=> string(58) "http://satish.ecarter.co/dec_setup_001/images/blog/1/1.png" ["https_image_path"]=> string(59) "https://satish.ecarter.co/dec_setup_001/images/blog/1/1.png" ["absolute_path"]=> string(65) "/home/satishecarter/public_html/dec_setup_001/images/blog/1/1.png" ["relative_path"]=> string(12) "blog/1/1.png" ["is_high_res"]=> bool(false) } } ["author"]=> string(11) "Admin Admin" ["tags"]=> array(0) { } }
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